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Thursday, March 6, 2008

weight loss tips

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weight Loss Tips - Fat Loss Wins
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Abi_Noah]Abi Noah

You have heard about all the weight loss programs or even tried some yourself. And failed!

You will learn here a very important fact that can turn your weight loss battle into a fat loss success

The reason most people want to achieve weight loss is because they want a healthier fitter self.

Let's think about this for a minute.

The human body is made mainly of fat, protein, carbohydrates and water. You can lose weight by reducing your bodies content of any one of these but which is the healthiest option.

You can lose weight by losing more water from your body. That is what diuretics do. Now although the scales will return a lower figure than before, is this really a fitter you? I think not! It ends up with a dehydrated you and let's be honest, one day you just have got to drink.

What about losing body protein. This happens when you starve yourself. You burn up lean body mass, protein, and eventually replace it with fat. Again, not a healthier, fitter you.

The crux is what you need to focus on is losing body FAT. Fat loss should be the main focus of your bid to get fit and healthy. Fat loss does not necessarily mean weight loss. In fact you may put on weight! This is because most fat loss programs build muscle bulk as well. Volume for volume, muscle weighs more.

So you may ask that if your weight could go up, why bother with a fat loss regimen.

Simple. A 70 kilogram, lean man is more healthy than a 70 kilogram fat man.

Think about it. A weight lifter could weigh a hundred kilograms but he is mostly lean muscle with very little fat. Think of how healthy he is compared to the 100 kilogram fat man. Who is heading for that stroke or heart attack?

So shift your focus. Go from the million weight loss diets to a healthy fat loss program.

Abi Noah

For more fat loss tips and a guide to weight loss visit http://www.genuinefatloss.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Abi_Noah http://EzineArticles.com/?Weight-Loss-Tips---Fat-Loss-Wins&id=783986

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Healthy Rapid Weight Loss
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Adds_S_Barton]Adds S Barton

The benefits of an extreme rapid weight loss is probably something that most would find appealing. To attain a healthy rapid weight loss you should look at all of the quick weight loss diet guides and judge each by their own merits.

Some rapid weight loss diets declare that they can help you lose lots of weight in a matter of days. This reason for this rapid weight loss does of course come at a price; you are limited to eating only select fruit and vegetables only. You can either cook these or just eat them raw, the choice is yours.

Should you choose to cook your fruit and vegetables you will have to look at your cooking methods. It is no good going on a rapid weight loss diet if you are going to use a load of oil, grease, and fats in your cooking process.

So what's the best diet for rapid weight loss?? The answer to that question is I'm afraid going to be down to you, everybody's body is different. Because of this different results will be seen from each rapid weight loss diet. Don't give up if you don't succeed on your first attempt; try a different quick weight loss diet.

Lastly, do these rapid weight loss diets really work, and are there any symptoms of rapid weight loss? With all diets you are recommended to consult your doctor first, rapid weight loss diets are no different. After your successful rapid weight loss diet you should try to maintain a constant healthy everyday diet to keep the weight off.

Visit my Site now at http://www.womensweightloss.org to read anything you ever wanted to know about Weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adds_S_Barton http://EzineArticles.com/?Healthy-Rapid-Weight-Loss&id=784325